Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Panic and Potential Prospects

Minor panic attack today: Winter Park Village rejected our proposal to have our food truck there based on grounds of competition with their other restaurants. We're meeting up tomorrow before class to find another area in close proximity to the theater. We are still in contact with Sweet City Gelato as well. Fingers crossed it works out.

Silver lining: We have ordered 3 shirts from Big Top for the Street Team to wear when promoting the film. Also our stencil for the cheaper shirts to hand out is up and ready. It's visible below. Credit to local artist and friend Kim Donlon. All for now. More to come!

Monday, March 25, 2013

March 25th

We all met today for a breif period of time, and discussed what all three of us will be doing before class thursday. We decided to get nicer shirts made for the three of us, and we'll do stencil shirts for the food truck people. I'm finalizing the design of the handout and looking at Fedex/Kinko's to get them printed out.

Kyle also came up with the tagline 'When life gives you options, take a free sample.' which is the best thing we've come up with yet, so we're going to roll with that.

We're also waiting on a reply from Winter Park Village about parking a food truck around there, and as far as food trucks go we might be limited to Sweet City Gelato, but thankfully they've been the most interested of the group so far so at least we have them.

Anyhow, here's the current design for the front of our nicer shirts:

Sunday, March 24, 2013


So I've been working on getting prices for shirts and whatnot. I've been in communication with Big Top Tees and the prices are not super cheap. For orders under 25 shirts, the price is $16 a shirt. I'm fine with this if we're getting 3 for us and maybe a few more for the food truck people. I'm also looking into some online companies that boast like $3 a shirt but the ones I've seen so far only do huge orders. 100+. Also I'm looking into ordering a banner from FedEx Office with Alex's Design.

March 24th

Figured the trailer would be a good thing to upload on here.

As far as an update, we're still in progress of talking to the food trucks about getting them somewhere in the area of the festival on whatever days they feel they are able to.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

March 22nd

We had a good meeting with Charles today, and thankfully he brought up a good point, our marketing plan seems well thought out, but we need to work on a tagline to pique peoples interests. We're going to be throwing around ideas about that and get something nailed down. As for the food trucks we're going to talk to them about how they go about getting permits and see what we can arrange with getting them close to the theaters during the festival. Austin is also looking up shirt pricing and hopefully we'll be able to get shirts for us and the food truck people.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20th

Pretty solid day for us! Kyle made a lot of headway with the Food Trucks. We're in contact with two trucks Sweet City Gelato, and Pop Craft Pops, who both seem excited to help us out. Sweet City is interested in getting shirts made for the event as well!

Still no contact from the filmmaker, and we think at this point it might be a sign that we're on our own, but we can definitely handle it.

I've also drafted up a design for a flyer/postcard, and I'm going to look into pricing for getting a number of postcards printed.

That's all for now!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

March 19th

We all met briefly yesterday, and Kyle and I (Alex) fleshed out some details. As I said in the last post Austin and Kyle will be meeting up today to discuss things more, but here is some of what we covered yesterday:

We're going to try and contact these Food Trucks:

-Pop Craft Pops:

-Sunset Ice:

- The Batter Bowl/YumYum Cupcake Truck:

We made sure of our films schedule and are trying to plan our work schedules and other stuff around the film schedule:

-Mon. April 8th: 8:30-9:50pm at RWP-A

-Fri. April 12th: 4:15pm-5:50pm at The Ezian

We've got some other contact ideas in the works for smaller products, but I'll post more about that as details become more solid.

Oh, I'm also going to have a flyer and postcard design done by thursday.

Monday, March 18, 2013

March 18th

Kyle and Alex are meeting to flesh out some ideas, and Kyle and Austin are meeting tomorrow afternoon to continue work. We're looking up pricing of handout items such as small ice cream cups and Popsicle sticks. Still no word from the filmmaker yet, but we're still keeping at it.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Small Update

We're meeting before class tomorrow to discuss the project. Kyle has made a few attempts to contact the Filmmaker, but we've not had success yet. We'll keep at it though.

Monday, March 4, 2013

First Update

Kyle sent an email to the Director to try and establish contact with the filmmaker, and I've established this blog now so we can get things moving, and are setting up a group meeting time over spring break!